Strategic Planning Grants Program
Strategic Planning is an essential activity for Conservation Districts. Building for Tomorrow encourages districts to regularly reevaluate and update their plans, and supports districts by offering grants to offset costs associated with strategic planning activities.
The State Conservation Commission has allocated funding for grants to reimburse up to a maximum of $1,500 in expenses related to the development of a strategic plan for the 2024-25 program year.
In order to be eligible for these funds, conservation districts must meet the requirements outlined in this document. Priority will be given to conservation districts that have not received a Strategic Planning Grant in the past five years.
Strategic Planning Grants Program Information
2024-25 Program Overview and Requirements
Strategic Planning Resources for Conservation Districts
PACD Strategic Planning Support
Strategic Planning Facilitators List
Strategic Planning Process Checklist (River Network)
Choosing Our Direction: A Primer on Strategic Planning and Visioning (PennState Extension)