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Information on self-directed learning modules and testing
Self-directed learning for new directors, staff, and anyone who wants to learn more about the history and operations of Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts.
Information on self-directed learning modules and testing
A director should be familiar with the history of the conservation movement and the creation of conservation districts.
It is essential that all Board members have a working knowledge of the Conservation District Law to fulfill their responsibility as a public official.
A director should be familiar with and comply with all applicable laws pertaining to public bodies and their business.
Board members need to understand the roles and function of the core conservation partners.
Districts need strong board leadership to function effectively.
Proactive policies regarding office operations and program delivery procedures are essential to the efficient functioning of a growing, busy conservation district.
Director knowledge, understanding, direction and involvement in the internal fiscal well-being and management of the District are critical.
It is the Board members’ responsibility to assure proper communication of the district’s goals and needs between the District, the community, elected officials and its partners.