Registration is open for the 2023 Management Summit and Pre-Con, scheduled for September 12 – 14 at the Wyndham Garden State College Conference Center, Boalsburg.
Fundamentals for Emerging Leaders is our theme for Pre-Con on Tuesday 9/12, with an AM session focusing on basic executive & supervisory skills such as time management, effective communication, motivation, and delegation skills, and setting goals and priorities. Tuesday’s PM session examines the concept of emotional intelligence and examples of its applications in workplace leadership. The Pre-Con is open to all managers and partner staff and is especially recommended for all new & first-time managers, assistant managers, team leaders and other management staff as well as approved management-aspiring staff.
The Management Summit program features a Wednesday keynote on Resilience, Burnout, and Leadership Derailers as well as sessions on Performance Reviews, Change Management & Maximizing Total Compensation, Financial Topics for Managers, partner agency presentations and an opportunity to meet this year’s new District Managers and CD Field Reps.
Registration is free and required (please note separate registration links for 9/12 Pre-Con and 9/13-14 Summit).
Conference registration deadline is Tuesday, September 5. Discounted event room block reservation deadline for the Wyndham is Friday, August 11.
Register for Pre-Con: Fundamentals for Emerging Leaders on Tuesday September 12
Register for Management Summit on Wednesday September 13 & Thursday September 14
2023 Management Summit & Pre-Con Draft Agenda